Our dream home

We finally sign the paperworks for the apartment we bought last Sunday. And we finally saw the real product by seeing the show unit.

my mom at the master bedroom :D

daddy at the tiny kitchen, me likey!

relax at the family room :D

It's soo cute! Small and warm like we always wanted.
And of course, my dream is to be able to fill the room with these furnitures:

*if we decided to stay in this apartment that is :D

6 Responses to “Our dream home”
  1. purwo says:

    ini the jarrdin kah?

  2. bukan, green palace di kalibata, mu cari apartemen jugakah? :D ayo buruan laku banget kaya kacang goreng ><

  3. Meer...mau pindah Jakarta yaah? Nanti kita deket niiih ^_^

  4. oya?? rumah fer dimana? belum tau fer, beli dulu aja, hihi itung2 investasi :D

  5. Anonim says:

    Wahhh, km dah beli apartment Mew? Bagus, aku sukaaaa :))

    Duh duh, aku ga punya tabungan sepeserpun, adanya utang.. Pigimana punya apartment iniiii hahaha


  6. hihi..ini juga nyicil puspi..semoga nanti-tetap lancar bayarnyaa..aminn ><

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