What i really feel

Am i a bad mom for wanting some me time?
Am i a bad mom, for needing a vacation?
Am i a bad mom, feeling relief when he is asleep and upset when he wake up too soon?
Am i a bad mom, feeling glad when someone else's taking care of him so i can relaxed?
Am i a bad mom, for hoping he'll grow up and start school soon enough so i will have more free time?
Am i a bad mom, for accompanying my son play while holding my blackberry or ipad?
Am i a bad mom, for waking up and suddenly too lazy to bathe him or feed him or even play with him?
Am i a bad mom, for feeling envy to those without kids so they can spend hours at a mall, or watcg movies, or read a book?
Am i a bad mom, for feeling and doing these things?
Am i a selfish mom?

I know i'm not perfect my son, but i do try my best..
And i know that i love you, with all my life..

4 Responses to “What i really feel”
  1. LiaKirana says:

    i feel u.. i heart u...
    we just ordinary people..
    you are not alone, I know how it feels .. a mother is human too, we will have time to do it all.
    there will be time also we will miss the days present

    (adeeuuhh k"mer coba ralat ini english nya) takut-takut salah in englis nya saya :D
    abisnya enakeun nulis enggres :D

  2. huhuu *peluuk*
    susah ya jadi ibu, rasanya masihh jauh dari sosok ibu yang sempurna, belum bs ngasih yang terbaik buat anak, apalagi kalo masih ada keinginan milih tidur daripada main sama anak :s

    ahh sama koo inggris saya ngaco suka2 :pyang penting ngerti kan ya?? :D

  3. Bu ibu due date buddies, ini miriiippp bangettt sama gue. Thanks mer, udah bisa mengungkapkannya dengan sangat tepat. Tenang, ndak sendirian kok, buanyak banget yang ngalamin kayak gini. Sempurna ato nggak, kan yang bisa bilang cuma nabil.

    Nabil chayang, mama baekkk kan?? *eh, manggilnya apa mer?

  4. Waa senangnya ada teman senasib sepenanggungan *grouphug*
    Manggilnya bunda :)
    Btw decembergirl siapa y? Ga ada namanya..bura?butin?buput?bumet?bunga?bunit? Butasy? Dah diabsen semua belum? :p

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