Posted on Jumat, September 14, 2012 · 1 Comment
Kalo anak lagi gtm selalu worry apa asupannya cukup. Apalagi kalo dibandingin sama anak tetangga yang sekali makan bisa ampe 1 mangkok dewasa penuh pleus 1 lauk porsi dewasa. Duh jadi takut nabil kurang gizi, apalagi badannya mungil gitu :s
Sebenernya sebanyak apa sih porsi makan toddler? Ini aku ambil dari baby center usah ditranslate udah pada ngerti lah yaa.. *edisi males :p*
Be aware of your child's nutritional needs, but don't worry — it's not hard to meet a toddler's daily requirements. Here are some easy ways to serve up good nutrition:
A tablespoon of peanut butter spread thinly (large dollops can cause choking) on one slice of whole wheat bread with half a cup of whole milk will supply your toddler with 82 percent of his protein needs, about a third of his daily calcium requirements, nearly all of his magnesium needs, and about half of the zinc he needs in a day. It'll also fulfill a third of his recommended servings of grains.
And just one banana and half a cup of strawberries will meet your toddler's suggested intake of fruit for the day.
How much per day?
2 cups dairy (1 cup milk or yogurt, 1 cup = 1 1/2 ounces natural cheese or 2 ounces processed cheese)
3 ounces grains, preferably half of them whole grains (1 ounce = 1/3 cup cold cereal, 1/4 cup pasta or rice, 1 slice bread)
1 cup fruit (fresh, frozen, canned and/or 100 percent juice) Emphasize whole fruits rather than juice.
1 cup vegetables (Serve vegetables that are cut in small pieces and well cooked to prevent choking.)
2 ounces protein (1 ounce = one slice of sandwich meat, about 1/3 of a chicken breast half, 1/4 can of tuna, 1/4 cup cooked dry beans, or 1 egg)
Use toddler-size portions. A serving size for a toddler is about 1/4 of a single portion for an adult. A serving of meat for a 1-year-old is about the size of the palm of her hand, and a serving of vegetables is only about 1 or 2 tablespoons.
Sebenernya ga banyak yaa, nabil yang sekali makan bisa 3 sdm nasi itu sbnrnya udah mencukupi seluruh kebutuhan grainnya dalam sehari dong, kalo ditambah pas sarapan dan dinner malah lebih yah.
Yang suka kurang itu 2 cups dairy, nabil krn alergi minum uht paling kukasih 50 ml aja, yoghut juga dia paling maunya beberapa sendok doang. Eh kalo asi gmn ya? Apa tetep 2 cups?
Trus buah juga jaraaang banget bisa 1 cups, kecuali kalo jus, ato dibikin es loli. Nabil emang kurang doyan buah, kaya ayah bundanya huhuhu, tp walo kami ga suka sayur, alhamdulillah nabil masih mau makan sayur walo jenisnya cuma brokoli, jagung ( eh jagung teh karbo apa sayur yak?), peas, dan wortel. Peer nih nuat ngenalin jenis sayur yang lain :s
Semoga nabil tetap sehat, dan gizinya selalu terpenuhi. Amiinn
ishh...nabil sekali makan 3 sdm dooong banyak kaliii... liffa cuma 1-2 kakakkkkk *ni kok lg seneng ngomong kakakkk si yah* haa...
susahnya pula,liffa endonesa sekalii ga suka keju juga pasta.. sukanya.. kerupuk -_-